Monday, May 25, 2015

5 Healthy Eating Tips That Make It Incredibly Easy For You To Stick To Your Diet (And Save Money!)

The diet program I went on was powerful, simple, and here's the shocker: It was actually based on eating NORMAL foods (with all types of nutrients and no starving)! Shocking isn't it?! Anyway, while on this diet I learned 5 healthy eating tips that will certainly make it very simple for you to stick to your diet, and I wanted to share them with you today:
1. NEVER enter a grocery store hungry! As simple as that tip sounds, please don't take it that way! I thought it wasn't a big deal, until I realized how much more tempted I was to purchase bad foods if I went into the store feeling hungry. This is especially important if you go into larger grocery stores that have fresh bakeries (lol)!

I recommend that before you go shopping at the grocery store, ensure that you have eaten a meal that is filling (and healthy of course). Also, drinking plenty of water or having a cup of tea can help given that they both help suppress your appetite. This will help prevent you from being tempted to purchase bad foods.
2. Buy fresh fruits and veggies towards the middle of the week. This is usually when most supermarkets get their delivery of fresh fruits and veggies. The fresher and more delicious your fruits and veggies are, the more you'll save money (because they will last longer), and the more you'll eat them.
3. After buying fresh veggies, I recommend that you immediately rinse them and cut them into small pieces (or slices) and put them into a tight lid container. This way you'll have quick access to them for snacks, meals, or to add into your salads! This will REALLY help if you are like how I was where I got really tired of having to cut, peel, and slice veggies all the time!
4. Plan what you are going to eat ahead of time either for the day or better yet, for the week. This was very easy for me given that the diet program I went on actually designed a customized menu plan for me consisting of all the meals I needed to eat. By having your meals planned, you'll be more likely to stick with eating healthier.
5. Prep your meals for the day. Just about everyone these days have a busy lifestyle, and that's why fast food restaurants are a billion dollar industry! Well, you can make your own "fast food" by preparing your meals in advance! The only negative to this is the obvious one... and that is you have to make all the meals at once. BUT, think about how awesome it will feel when you are tired at the end of the day, and you are hungry, and then voila... your meal is already prepared and it needs to be either just unwrapped or warmed up!
Bottom line, if you want to make it easier for yourself to stick to your diet, then those 5 healthy eating tips above, plus going on a NATURAL and proven effective diet program (like the program I went on) will certainly help you reach your goals. I'm now several pounds lighter, I feel more energy, I feel more motivated, and I now don't need any tricks to stick to living healthy. And this can certainly happen for you to!
And the best diet that I used and highly recommend if you want to Melt Away Fat FAST and permanently drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS is the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots...
I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months (plus flattened my belly) using this popular online fat loss program... and it all has stayed off FOR GOOD! It works because it naturally raises your metabolism by having you eat REAL FOOD...
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